
Покемон, 7-й сезон. Новый вызов


Сюжет 7 сезона:

A shadow hovers over Ash, May, and friends as they continue their journey through the Hoenn region, and it’s not just that of Mt. Chimney—both Team Magma and Team Aqua put plans into action with our heroes caught in the middle! When not foiling evil schemes, Ash and May chase their personal goals, with Ash battling for three more Gym Badges and May winning her first three Contest Ribbons. The group also gains new Pokémon like Torkoal and Bulbasaur, but could they be too much to handle?
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Серии 7-го сезона

1 серия: Эпизод 1
Ash and friends are leaving Mauville City, but Ash wants to go to the Pokémon Gym in Lavaridge Town while May wants to compete in a Pokémon Contest at Fallarbor Town. Max discovers the two towns are close to each other, so they decide on Fallarbor Town first. Team Rocket stumbles into a huge watermelon patch but an Electrode disguised as a giant watermelon sends them blasting away. Some watermelons float downriver to be eaten by Ash and the gang. A Grovyle and Slugma attack them, and a girl named Natasha accuses them of being thieves. Her Electrode reveals the truth, so she invites them on a tour of her watermelon patch. After Natasha claims she's never lost a double battle, Ash challenges her. Ash sends out his Treecko and Corphish to challenge Natasha's Pokémon, but they are quickly overmatched. Corphish and Slugma KO each other, leaving Treecko and Grovyle to duke it out. The battle is interrupted by Team Rocket returning to steal more watermelons. Grovyle uses its Bullet Seed, but is gagged by an attack from Team Rocket's robot. Treecko uses Bullet Seed and manages to knock the melons down, and Pikachu zaps the robot, sending Team Rocket blasting off again. Natasha and Ash resume the match, but Treecko is defeated by the power of Grovyle's Bullet Seed attack. The kids settle down to enjoy some juicy watermelon, and Ash and Pikachu try to encourage Treecko by spitting seeds at it. Treecko retaliates by using the real Bullet Seed move on them.
2 серия: Эпизод 2
Ash and friends are still on their way to Fallarbor Town and stop by Lake May for a rest, where they spot an Illumise and some Volbeat practicing for the May Festival. The Volbeat Trainer, Romeo, is a big klutz, and he causes an accident that sends all of the Pokémon crashing into the water. Ash and Brock send out their Water-type Pokémon to save them. It turns out that Romeo is in love with the Illumise Trainer, Juliet, and he gets nervous around her. May decides to help him practice confessing how he feels by having Ash dress up as Juliet. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has Meowth pose as a Volbeat, luring Illumise into a trap. Juliet goes searching for her Pokémon and instead comes across Romeo rehearsing with the kids. Romeo sends all of his Volbeat to track down Juliet's Illumise. Team Rocket uses Sweet Scent to lure all of the Pokémon into a powerful vacuum, capturing Ash and Pikachu in the process. Pikachu shocks the vacuum to shut it down, and the one free Volbeat uses Quick Attack to destroy it, freeing everyone. The combined Volbeat use Signal Beam to send Team Rocket blasting off again. Romeo confesses how he feels to Juliet, and they decide to marry. At the May Festival, the Volbeat and Illumise put on a spectacular performance.
3 серия: Эпизод 3
Ash and friends are headed to Fallarbor Town when they are nearly hit by a Bagon jumping off a cliff. Ash sends out Taillow to attack the Bagon, but a girl named Michelle leaps out to accuse them of launching a sneak attack. After learning Bagon was at fault, Michelle apologizes and explains that her Bagon is trying to learn how to fly. Ash challenges Michelle to a battle so Bagon can get more experience so it will evolve into Shelgon and then Salamence (which can fly). With Michelle using her special computerized glasses to guide Bagon, Pikachu takes a real beating from Bagon's Skull Bash attack. The battle is interrupted by the arrival of Team Rocket in a helicopter. Meowth swoops down wearing a jetpack and grabs Bagon. Treecko hits the helicopter with Bullet Seed, causing Team Rocket to drop the remote control for the jetpack. Ash and the others run to find Bagon. Ash tells Michelle that she needs to encourage Bagon more so it can evolve. Team Rocket meets up with Meowth and Bagon, discovering that Bagon is thrilled because it got to fly (using the jetpack). Ash and the others catch up, and Pikachu hits Team Rocket hard with Quick Attack. But Team Rocket captures Pikachu, flying off in their helicopter. Bagon and Treecko use the jetpack to follow Team Rocket and attack the helicopter, freeing Pikachu. Pikachu zaps the helicopter, sending Team Rocket blasting off again. Bagon, Treecko, and Pikachu ride through the sky on the jetpack, and when they land, Bagon evolves into Shelgon!
4 серия: Эпизод 4
Ash and friends welcome an old friend—Misty! She's received an invitation to a Togepi Festival, and is soon greeted by Team Rocket disguised as the operating committee for the festival. They escort Misty and Togepi inside a large building, which turns out to be a concealed zeppelin. Ash and friends climb aboard before takeoff, and the aircraft makes its way to the Mirage Kingdom. Misty leaves the zeppelin and is met by Colonel Hansen, who demands that she turn over Togepi. Ash and Brock step forward to protect her, sending out Mudkip and Pikachu. Misty, May, and Max flee while Pikachu and Mudkip battle Colonel Hansen's two Ninjask. Colonel Hansen's Shedinja catches up with Misty, who sends out her Corsola. During the battle, Togepi is blasted away and found unconscious in a stream by the princess of the Mirage Kingdom. A servant tells the king that the princess has finally found a Togepi, and they all gather in the princess' quarters to look at it. Misty arrives and demands the return of her Togepi. The princess and the servant explain that Togepi are worshipped in the Mirage Kingdom, and in order to become ruler, the princess must have one in her possession for the coronation ceremony. Colonel Hansen wants the throne for himself, which is why he tried to steal Misty's Togepi. The princess decides to send Misty and friends home with Togepi. As the gang are about to board the zeppelin, a mirror image of the temple appears in the sky. Togepi begins to glow and float toward it. Colonel Hansen arrives with Team Rocket, and his Shedinja attacks the group using Solar Beam, which Pikachu attempts to block with Thundershock.
5 серия: Эпизод 5
Shedinja attacks Misty and friends, but they are protected by Togepi using Safeguard. Everyone is then transported into the Togepi Paradise, located inside the mirage floating above the temple. There they find a group of sick Togepi. It is explained that Togepi are only well based on the emotions of those around them, and the evil plotting of Colonel Hansen is making them sick. Colonel Hansen tries to break into the Togepi Paradise, and Misty's Togepi travels back to try and stop him. Instead Togepi is knocked out by Hansen's Shedinja and Ninjask. Misty and everyone else are transported back to the Mirage Kingdom. Back at the palace Hansen claims the throne, and has the king imprisoned. He kicks Team Rocket out. A ceremony begins in which Hansen is declared king. Outside, Team Rocket disguise themselves as fortune tellers to tell Brock where the king is being held. Ash, May, Misty, and Princess Sara confront Hansen at the palace, but Torchic and Pikachu are no match for Ninjask and Shedinja. The other Togepi suddenly emerge from the Togepi Paradise and and channel their energy into Misty's Togepi, using Safeguard to protect everyone. Misty's Togepi evolves into a Togetic. Misty throws out her Gyarados and uses Flamethrower to roast all of Colonel Hansen's Pokémon. The king arrives and has Hansen arrested. Togetic decides to stay and protect the Togepi Paradise. All of the Togepi leave, except for one who jumps into Sara's arms. With that Togepi, the princess can now claim the Mirage Kingdom throne. Everyone bids Misty goodbye as she heads back to Cerulean City aboard a zeppelin.
6 серия: Эпизод 6
Ash and his friends are walking through the desert when they pass out because of the heat. They are rescued by the Winstrate Family, who in return for the hospitality offered, want to have a Pokémon battle between the four Winstrates and all four of the kids. Team Rocket also faints in the desert, where they are discovered by Vito Winstrate. He left home a while ago to battle in the Pokémon League, but he'd rather just raise Pokémon. His family is very proud of him going off to the League, and he's afraid of them finding out the truth. James offers to help him talk to his family. The battle begins back at the Winstrate residence. Brock uses his Mudkip against Victor Winstrate's Zigzagoon, but is knocked out by a surprise Thunderbolt attack. May takes out Victoria's Roselia with her Beautifly. Max doesn't have any Pokémon yet, so he borrows Ash's Corphish and easily knocks down Vivi's Marill, breaking the little girl's heart. Ash takes on Grandma with Pikachu. The battle is close until her Camerupt uses Eruption and begins to chase Pikachu everywhere. Camerupt gets confused and charges the Winstrate's house instead. Vito and Team Rocket are watching the whole thing, so Vito secretly has his Alakazam start a rainstorm to calm Camerupt down. Team Rocket tries to steal Pikachu but Vito uses his Pokémon to stop them. Grandma Winstrate realizes that Vito is helping them and never went to the Pokémon League. She announces that it's okay for Vito to choose his own path. Vito leaves the Winstrate farm, to become the best he can be at raising Pokémon.
7 серия: Эпизод 7
May is practicing for her next Pokémon Contest, when Torchic finds a Skitty in the bushes. May wants to catch it, but it's too sick to battle. Brock leads the group to the Greenhouse, where Skitty can be healed using Aromatherapy. Eliza the therapist shows the kids her fragrance collection and uses a special mixture to make Skitty better while it sleeps. Meanwhile, Team Rocket flies overhead in a balloon and decides to steal some fragrance for their Pokémon. Skitty wakes up feeling much better, and May battles it using Torchic. Her attempt to catch Skitty is interrupted by Team Rocket bursting in. Jessie's Seviper uses Haze, causing a lot of confusion. Meowth completely falls for Skitty. Team Rocket flees, but Ash's Taillow wrecks their balloon. They manage to get away with one bag, finding Skitty inside. Jessie claims it as her own, much to Meowth's dismay. He helps Skitty run away. May and friends locate Team Rocket, and Jessie and May get into a fight over who gets to catch Skitty. May's Beautifly knocks out Jessie's Dustox. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to send Team Rocket blasting away. May takes out her Poké Ball to catch Skitty, but Skitty knocks it out of her hand and jumps into it. As they're walking away, Skitty jumps out of the Poké Ball.
8 серия: Эпизод 8
Ash and friends are traveling when a Zangoose runs up in front of them. It is followed by its Trainer, their old friend Nicolai. Ash challenges Nicolai to a Pokémon battle. The battle is being watched by Team Rocket. Jessie sends out her Seviper (to steal Pikachu), but Zangoose senses it and the two Pokémon start to fight. They fall into the river, and Ash sends Corphish to drive Seviper off so they can rescue Zangoose. While the injured Zangoose is recovering back at their camp, Ash shows Nicolai how to battle Seviper. Team Rocket returns and the battle between Zangoose and Seviper continues. James and Meowth steal Pikachu while Jessie is helping her Seviper. The friends go to get Pikachu back, but James' Cacnea accidentally sends Pikachu flying. Wobbuffet grabs Pikachu and runs off, trailed by everyone. Nicolai notices that they can't catch Wobbuffet because it's running in a zig-zag pattern, so he instructs his Zangoose to do the same to avoid Seviper's attacks. Zangoose then uses Crush Claw to win the battle, while Pikachu uses Thunder to send Team Rocket blasting off again. Nicolai congratulates Zangoose, and Ash and Nicolai continue their battle.
9 серия: Эпизод 9
Ash and friends stop at a Pokémon Center where May's Skitty pops out of its Poké Ball and causes trouble. A kid that looks a lot like comes up to yell at them—and his name is also Max! The two Maxes get into a fight. May and Max run into the other Max outside, saying hello to his Surskit. To avoid a fight, Brock suggests that everyone take out their Pokémon. Team Rocket arrives on the scene, but Skitty grabs Jessie's hair. Surskit escapes while Jessie goes berserk in another one of Team Rocket's giant contraptions, sending everyone blasting off. While the kids are looking for Surskit, the other Max admits that he's jealous because he doesn't get to travel with his Pokémon. They find Surskit in a spring, but are attacked by Team Rocket again. The Maxes team up, and Surskit uses Water Pulse to break a rock dam, washing Team Rocket away. Jessie emerges from the water to grab Surskit, but is hit hard by Skitty. Then a double-attack from Surskit and Pikachu sends the crooks blasting off for good. The other Max decides to go traveling with his Surskit, and both Maxes shake hands, now good friends.
10 серия: Эпизод 10
May and friends finally arrive in Fallarbor Town, ready for the next Pokémon Contest. There are already a lot of coordinators there, including one named Grace with a Medicham. Grace already has 3 ribbons, and shows off her Medicham's special combo. May tries practicing combos with her Beautifly, but gets confused. Drew shows up and taunts her. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is running a scam to sell fake PokéBlocks. When Ash tells Drew he's not competing, Drew challenges him to a battle that Drew wins. Drew implies that it takes teamwork between a Trainer and Pokémon to succeed, which May doesn't have. With her confidence shattered, May is easily duped by Team Rocket's scam. Before May can purchase a fake PokéBlock, Grace steps in and exposes the ruse. Team Rocket leaves in their balloon, stealing all of the Pokémon they can on the way out. Medicham frees all of the Pokémon, and then May and Grace team up to fight off Team Rocket. May gets her confidence back and enters the contest, standing on stage next to a confident Drew. Her second Pokémon Contest is about to begin.
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