
Покемон, 4-й сезон. Чемпионы лиги Джото


Сюжет 4 сезона:

From the sprawling metropolis of Goldenrod City to the icy peak of Snowtop Mountain, the Johto region presents Ash, Misty, and Brock with exciting new adventures—along with a few familiar faces like their old friends Todd, Duplica, and Suzie! Johto’s rich past means plenty of Pokémon mysteries for our heroes to solve, and its exciting present means some tough challenges—Ash tackles three more Gyms, while handling competitions like the Pokémon Sumo Conference along the way.
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Серии 4-го сезона

1 серия: Эпизод 1
Our heroes have finally reached the next stop on the road to Johto: Goldenrod City! Looking to challenge the city's Gym Leader, Ash finds out the gym is closed for the day. Knowing they must wait until tomorrow, the gang decides to shop around and enjoy the city when they run into a local trainer, Whitney. After a close-encounter with Team Rocket, our heroes realize Whitney is actually the Goldenrod City Gym Leader! Will Ash win his next Johto League badge?
2 серия: Эпизод 2
Whitney takes our heroes to her uncle's Miltank farm in the outskirts of Goldenrod City. Here they sample the finest in Miltank dairy products and learn how to groom and care for these Pokémon. Ash realizes this is a great opportunity to study Miltank first-hand and hopes it will help him against Whitney's Miltank in their next battle. After learning about Miltank and coming out victorious in a battle against Team Rocket, Ash realizes the answer to overcoming Whitney's strongest Pokémon is good old-fashioned team-work.
3 серия: Эпизод 3
Before leaving Goldenrod City, the flamboyant producer of Poké Talk Radio insists Ash appear on Sunny Morningstar's show to talk about winning the Plane badge. After the interview, the gang saves the day by participating in a live radio drama with the Dugtrio Trio (Team Rocket in disguise!) Be sure to watch the twists and turns of the live performance as our heroes battle Team Rocket on the airwaves!
4 серия: Эпизод 4
En route to Ecruteak City, our heroes make their way through a beautiful national park. Finding that a Bug Pokémon catching contest is being held, Ash signs up and runs into fellow trainer Casey and her Chikorita. In an effort to catch the best Bug Pokémon and win the contest, Casey pushes her Chikorita too hard and learns a lesson about the importance of putting her Pokémon's welfare ahead of winning. Watch as Casey's Chikorita evolves in order to help save Ash and Pikachu from Team Rocket's grasp! En route to Ecruteak City, our heroes make their way through a beautiful national park. Finding that a Bug Pokémon catching contest is being held, Ash signs up and runs into fellow trainer Casey and her Chikorita. In an effort to catch the best Bug Pokémon and win the contest, Casey pushes her Chikorita too hard and learns a lesson about the importance of putting her Pokémon's welfare ahead of winning. Watch as Casey's Chikorita evolves in order to help save Ash and Pikachu from Team Rocket's grasp!
5 серия: Эпизод 5
Trying to reach Ecruteak City our heroes are stopped in their tracks, unable to cross a bridge-less river. As they walk the bank, they see an old fisherman and strike a bargain, a ferry-ride across the river in exchange for an elusive Sudowoodo! As they comb the nearby mountains in search of one of these unique Pokémon they run into two research scientists arguing over Sudowoodo's type. Join Ash and the gang as they encounter this truly versatile Pokémon and attempt to determine what type Sudowoodo really is!
6 серия: Эпизод 6
Ash, Misty and Brock have reached the famous Ruins of Alph. Summoned there by a note from Professor Oak they join him and an old student of his, Foster in a facility for studying Pokémon fossils. Foster has made an amazing discovery, live prehistoric Water-type Pokémon thought to be extinct for thousands of years! Does their appearance have anything to do with the interrupted water flow from a nearby reservoir? Watch as our heroes find out what's fishy with the freshwater!
7 серия: Эпизод 7
Just outside of Ecruteak City, our heroes see a flying Pidgey being attacked by a huge Fearow and decide to intervene. With Brock carrying the wounded Pidgey, the gang enters Ecruteak City in hopes of finding its trainer. Not only do our heroes find this Pidgey's home, they discover it is a member of the Carrier-Pidgey Express! Join Ash, Misty and Brock as they learn about caring for carrier-Pidgey and witness the dedication of a young boy and his grandfather to these very special Pokémon.
8 серия: Эпизод 8
Caught in a sudden thunderstorm, our heroes quickly seek shelter from the elements at an ominous looking castle on a nearby cliff. Although this seemingly vacant fortress is a little on the spooky side, Ash, Misty and Brock would rather be jumpy than soggy. That is, until they hear moaning coming from a nearby corridor! Follow our heroes through the pitfalls and mazes of this (haunted?) house on the hill!
9 серия: Эпизод 9
On the way to Ecruteak, a renegade Tauros dashes past our heroes. Seeing an old man in Tauros's path, Ash and Bulbasaur battle the break-away beast. The old man is impressed with Ash's skill and asks him to come to his dojo. Ash quickly realizes the old man is looking for a new Shihan (master teacher) to take over, but the old man's granddaughter believes she will inherit the dojo, even though her method of training has more to do with fitness than fighting. Who will be selected as Shihan?
10 серия: Эпизод 10
Arriving at a beautiful hot springs, Ash, Misty and Brock decide they and their Pokémon need to take a much needed break from their journey. As Ash and the Pokémon hit a beach ball around, Totodile, Chikorita and Cyndaquil play a little too rough. Totodile ends up blasting the ball deep into the nearby forest and when Ash sends these three Pokémon to retreive it, they run into a gang of antagonizing Aipom! In order to survive the escapades of retrieving the beach ball and the pitfalls of trying to make it back to Ash, these three must learn to work together. Watch as Chikorita, Totodile and Cyndaquil learn to appreciate the power of friendship.
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