From the sprawling metropolis of Goldenrod City to the icy peak of Snowtop Mountain, the Johto region presents Ash, Misty, and Brock with exciting new adventures—along with a few familiar faces like their old friends Todd, Duplica, and Suzie! Johto’s rich past means plenty of Pokémon mysteries for our heroes to solve, and its exciting present means some tough challenges—Ash tackles three more Gyms, while handling competitions like the Pokémon Sumo Conference along the way.
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Серии 4-го сезона
1 серия: Эпизод 1
Our heroes have finally reached the next stop on the road to Johto: Goldenrod City! Looking to challenge the city's Gym Leader, Ash finds out the gym is closed for the day. Knowing they must wait until tomorrow, the gang decides to shop around and enjoy the city when they run into a local trainer, Whitney. After a close-encounter with Team Rocket, our heroes realize Whitney is actually the Goldenrod City Gym Leader! Will Ash win his next Johto League badge?
2 серия: Эпизод 2
Whitney takes our heroes to her uncle's Miltank farm in the outskirts of Goldenrod City. Here they sample the finest in Miltank dairy products and learn how to groom and care for these Pokémon. Ash realizes this is a great opportunity to study Miltank first-hand and hopes it will help him against Whitney's Miltank in their next battle. After learning about Miltank and coming out victorious in a battle against Team Rocket, Ash realizes the answer to overcoming Whitney's strongest Pokémon is good old-fashioned team-work.
3 серия: Эпизод 3
Before leaving Goldenrod City, the flamboyant producer of Poké Talk Radio insists Ash appear on Sunny Morningstar's show to talk about winning the Plane badge. After the interview, the gang saves the day by participating in a live radio drama with the Dugtrio Trio (Team Rocket in disguise!) Be sure to watch the twists and turns of the live performance as our heroes battle Team Rocket on the airwaves!
4 серия: Эпизод 4
En route to Ecruteak City, our heroes make their way through a beautiful national park. Finding that a Bug Pokémon catching contest is being held, Ash signs up and runs into fellow trainer Casey and her Chikorita. In an effort to catch the best Bug Pokémon and win the contest, Casey pushes her Chikorita too hard and learns a lesson about the importance of putting her Pokémon's welfare ahead of winning. Watch as Casey's Chikorita evolves in order to help save Ash and Pikachu from Team Rocket's grasp! En route to Ecruteak City, our heroes make their way through a beautiful national park. Finding that a Bug Pokémon catching contest is being held, Ash signs up and runs into fellow trainer Casey and her Chikorita. In an effort to catch the best Bug Pokémon and win the contest, Casey pushes her Chikorita too hard and learns a lesson about the importance of putting her Pokémon's welfare ahead of winning. Watch as Casey's Chikorita evolves in order to help save Ash and Pikachu from Team Rocket's grasp!
5 серия: Эпизод 5
Trying to reach Ecruteak City our heroes are stopped in their tracks, unable to cross a bridge-less river. As they walk the bank, they see an old fisherman and strike a bargain, a ferry-ride across the river in exchange for an elusive Sudowoodo! As they comb the nearby mountains in search of one of these unique Pokémon they run into two research scientists arguing over Sudowoodo's type. Join Ash and the gang as they encounter this truly versatile Pokémon and attempt to determine what type Sudowoodo really is!
6 серия: Эпизод 6
Ash, Misty and Brock have reached the famous Ruins of Alph. Summoned there by a note from Professor Oak they join him and an old student of his, Foster in a facility for studying Pokémon fossils. Foster has made an amazing discovery, live prehistoric Water-type Pokémon thought to be extinct for thousands of years! Does their appearance have anything to do with the interrupted water flow from a nearby reservoir? Watch as our heroes find out what's fishy with the freshwater!
7 серия: Эпизод 7
Just outside of Ecruteak City, our heroes see a flying Pidgey being attacked by a huge Fearow and decide to intervene. With Brock carrying the wounded Pidgey, the gang enters Ecruteak City in hopes of finding its trainer. Not only do our heroes find this Pidgey's home, they discover it is a member of the Carrier-Pidgey Express! Join Ash, Misty and Brock as they learn about caring for carrier-Pidgey and witness the dedication of a young boy and his grandfather to these very special Pokémon.
8 серия: Эпизод 8
Caught in a sudden thunderstorm, our heroes quickly seek shelter from the elements at an ominous looking castle on a nearby cliff. Although this seemingly vacant fortress is a little on the spooky side, Ash, Misty and Brock would rather be jumpy than soggy. That is, until they hear moaning coming from a nearby corridor! Follow our heroes through the pitfalls and mazes of this (haunted?) house on the hill!
9 серия: Эпизод 9
On the way to Ecruteak, a renegade Tauros dashes past our heroes. Seeing an old man in Tauros's path, Ash and Bulbasaur battle the break-away beast. The old man is impressed with Ash's skill and asks him to come to his dojo. Ash quickly realizes the old man is looking for a new Shihan (master teacher) to take over, but the old man's granddaughter believes she will inherit the dojo, even though her method of training has more to do with fitness than fighting. Who will be selected as Shihan?
10 серия: Эпизод 10
Arriving at a beautiful hot springs, Ash, Misty and Brock decide they and their Pokémon need to take a much needed break from their journey. As Ash and the Pokémon hit a beach ball around, Totodile, Chikorita and Cyndaquil play a little too rough. Totodile ends up blasting the ball deep into the nearby forest and when Ash sends these three Pokémon to retreive it, they run into a gang of antagonizing Aipom! In order to survive the escapades of retrieving the beach ball and the pitfalls of trying to make it back to Ash, these three must learn to work together. Watch as Chikorita, Totodile and Cyndaquil learn to appreciate the power of friendship.
11 серия: Эпизод 11
As our heroes take a break at a shady stream, Misty's Poliwhirl is attacked by a Poliwrath! Poliwrath's trainer pokes fun at Misty's Pokémon and won't stick around to battle when she challenges him to a match. As our heroes move on, they find out the annual Seaking catching competition is about to begin. Overhearing the trainer she encountered earlier is a shoe-in for the win, Misty and her Poliwhirl enter the competition determined to triumph over the testy trainer.
12 серия: Эпизод 12
Brock checks his e-mail at a local Pokémon Center and finds Suzy, the Pokémon breeder who gave Brock Vulpix, has contacted him regarding a Pokémon beauty contest. She is looking for a Pokémon to enter the contest with and Brock agrees to return her Vulpix. When they meet in the contest city of Bonitaville, Suzy suggests they enter the contest together. However, before the contest can commence, Team Rocket seize all the Pokémon! Will our heroes be able to track Team Rocket and return the bevy of Pokémon beauties?
13 серия: Эпизод 13
Binging on too many burgers during lunch has given Ash a case of indigestion that stops him in his tracks. Unable to help their friend, Misty and Brock contemplate what to do until a miniature, seemingly magical, man shows up. He gives Ash two tablets and almost instantaneously cures Ash's aches! Curious about the cure, the gang head back to the small man's lab for a lesson in Pokémon medicine. Here they find out how this helpful fellow creates all kinds of useful potions with the aid of Shuckle and a speedy Pokémon named Spoopy!
14 серия: Эпизод 14
When a blackout hits a town on the road to Ecruteak City, our heroes realize it puts the Pokémon in the local Pokécenter in jeopardy. Wanting to help nurse Joy and the ailing Pokémon, the gang takes on the task of finding out what went haywire at the power plant. Before they can help restore the power however, they have to overcome the latest Team Rocket invention: The Mecha-Robo-Wobbuffet! See how Ash and Pikachu team up with Gary and his Umbreon in order to overcome Team Rocket and restore power to the grateful town.
15 серия: Эпизод 15
Enjoying a beautiful day hiking through the mountains on the road to Ecruteak City, Ash and Pikachu chase after a Ledian that speeds by them. As they pursue it along the trail, they round a bend and get hit full-blast by a Gust from Pidgeotto! Meeting the Ledian and Pidgeotto's owners, the gang finds out they've run into the Mountain Patrol, in the midst of a training session. Find out what happens when mountain-patrolman, Benji and his courageous Ledian lead Ash, Misty and Brock on an important search-and-rescue mission!
16 серия: Эпизод 16
Breaking for lunch at a spot in the forest, our heroes notice a nearby Wobbuffet and begin to look around for it's cohorts, Team Rocket! Although there's no sign of Team Rocket, everywhere they look there are more Wobbuffet popping up. The gang follows them to Wobbuffet Village and finds out the village is about to have their annual Wobbuffet fair. Due to festival rules, our heroes aren't able to help when a gang of punks and their Pokémon try to ruin the fair. Team Rocket are the only one's in a position to help. Will they come to the town's aid because they have a Wobbuffet of their own?
17 серия: Эпизод 17
Stopping off at a Pokécenter, the gang looks around for Nurse Joy. Suddenly she appears with Chansey, but makes the confusing statement Nurse Joy is seeing a patient. Brock nears the Joy-look-alike and reveals it isn't Nurse Joy and Chansey at all, but Duplica and her Ditto! Our heroes find out the real Nurse Joy is checking on Duplica's newest Pokémon, Mini-dit. Though there's nothing wrong with Mini-dit, it retains it's pint size, even when Transforming into large Pokémon. Be sure to watch for a teeny Arbok, an undersized Ursaring and a wee Wobbuffet. Although it may be small, this puny Pokémon can sure pack a wallop!
18 серия: Эпизод 18
As our heroes take a brief rest near a river, Ash sees a Snubbull rush by on the opposite bank. This wasn't just any Snubbull either, this one was Madame Muchmoney's! Ash, Misty and Brock follow Pikachu as it picks up Snubbull's scent and leads them in the search for the wealthy woman's Pokémon. Our heroes are racing against time when Team Rocket sets a trap for Snubbull, hoping to get a cash reward from Madam Muchmoney. Don't miss Snubbull's reaction when it encounters Team Rocket... it's so exciting and new, it's evolutionary!
19 серия: Эпизод 19
Ash, Pikachu and Brock take a break by the lake while Misty heads deeper into the forest with Togepi. As Misty picks the local flora, Togepi wanders over to a very strange looking bush, it appears to have legs...spider legs! Summoned by Misty's shrieks, Ash and Brock discover an Ariados in the bush. Just then, a trainer from Fuschia City appears on the scene. She explains she's training with this Ariados to learn the special art of Pokémon Jujitsu. Accepting an invitation from the trainer, the gang joins her for a day at the Pokémon Jujitsu Academy. Find out what happens as Brock and Pineco blow the lid off a technical class, Ash is critiqued on battle techniques and Misty gets all wrapped up in Pokémon health, beauty and nutrition!
20 серия: Эпизод 20
It's a sunny day on the road to Johto when our heroes encounter a Yanma... a troublemaker of a Yanma! When Yanma steals Ash's hat, the gang chase after it as it returns to its trainer, a young boy named Zachary. Although Ash gets his hat back, even Zachary can't control Yanma's antics. After Yanma breaks every window in town with its Sonic Boom attack, Zachary's father forces Zach to return Yanma to the wild. A moment too late, Zachary realizes he can't abandon his friend. Will Zachary be able to find Yanma and learn what it takes to become a true Pokémon trainer?
21 серия: Эпизод 21
En route to Ecruteak, Ash and company are caught by the sight of a Skiploom racing by. Following after it, they encounter its trainer, Ephram. He and his Skiploom are training for the upcoming annual Grass-Type tournament, a contest for Grass Pokémon only. Confident he can win any local tournament, Ash decides he and Bulbasaur will enter as well. Ephram and his Skiploom train hard as the tournament quickly approaches. However, Ash doesn't think it is necessary for someone of his Pokémon prowess to prepare. Find out who triumphs as young Ephram and Ash face off in the final round of the tournament!
22 серия: Эпизод 22
Catching a sweet scent on the breeze, Ash and Pikachu follow their noses to a nearby apple orchard. As Misty and Brock follow, they warn the trainer and his Pokémon against eating apples that don't belong to them. No sooner is this said than Pikachu is caught red-handed with couple of cores! Once Ash proves Pikachu's innocence to the orchard owner, he and Pikachu track down the real thieves, a band of hungry Pichu forced into the orchard due to low amounts of wild growing fruit. Find out how Ash and Pikachu teach them teamwork and help create a symbiotic relationship between the Pichu and the proprietor!
23 серия: Эпизод 23
When Team Rocket attacks our heroes as they travel through a mountain pass, Weezing's Smoke Screen attack separates Togepi and Misty. Togepi wanders away as Misty, Ash and Brock try to locate the pint-sized Pokémon. Finding Togepi scared and alone, a passing Houndoom becomes its temporary care-taker and brings Togepi home to its trainer. Will Misty ever be reunited with Togepi?
24 серия: Эпизод 24
Arriving in Ecruteak, Ash immediately heads to the Gym to challenge it's leader for his next Johto League badge. Our heroes soon realize this isn't a normal gym... it bursts into flames as soon as they enter! Trying to douse the flames with their water Pokémon, they find out the blaze is bogus. It's actually the Gastly, Haunter and Gengar instigating the illusion. Find out how these Ghost-Types end up helping our heroes when Togepi and Pikachu get lost among the ruins. Plus, don't miss the Gastly lesson they teach Team Rocket!
25 серия: Эпизод 25
Anxious to acquire the next Johto League badge, Ash challenges Ecruteak City's Gym Leader, Morty. However, Ash has seen Morty's Ghost-type Pokémon in action and is a little worried about battle strategies. In a discussion with Nurse Joy, Ash realizes his secret weapon against Morty's Pokémon is his Noctowl. Find out what special strategies Ash and his Noctowl employ in a head-to-head battle against the skilled Gym Leader and his fear-provoking Pokémon!
26 серия: Эпизод 26
Enjoying a quick snack at a local cafe, Misty notices a poster featuring a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. As she tells Ash and Brock she's always wanted to attend one, a young Trainer named Sakura walks in. Misty asks Sakura about the poster and Sakura explains her three sisters run the theme park. As Sakura leads Ash, Misty and Brock on a tour of the theme park, she decides she would like to accompany our friends on their Johto Journey. Her sisters say she can go if our heroes can beat them in a Pokémon battle. Will Sakura get to fulfill her dream of becoming a Pokémon Master?
27 серия: Эпизод 27
On their way to Olivine City, Brock and Misty break for lunch while Ash polishes his Johto League badges. As he shines each one, he sets them on the tree stump in front of him. Three Murkrow emerge from a nearby bush and perform a synchronized song and dance for our heroes. Delighted by the impromptu entertainment, the gang is shocked when the Murkrow grab Ash's badges and fly away. Will Ash be able to track down the Murkrow and reclaim his badges or will the Murkrow prove too adroit for Ash?
28 серия: Эпизод 28
On the dry and dusty road to Olivine City, our heroes notice beautiful lights shining in the sky ahead of them. Realizing they are coming from just above the dried up lake on Remoraid Mountain, they run to the Remoraidian Ruins. Although the surrounding area is utterly arid, our heroes take note of the plentiful plant-life. What could be causing this change in climate? Does it have something to do with the lights above the bone-dry basin?
29 серия: Эпизод 29
As our heroes pass through a dense forest, Brock explains that there are some pretty scary Pokémon hang out in this neck of the woods. Searching for a safer place to sleep than the forest floor, the gang find an abandoned shack and settle in for a good night's sleep. When Misty hears a noise outside, our heroes investigate and a Teddiursa slips into Misty's sleeping bag. Could this cute and cuddly Pokémon possibly be the forest fright Brock mentioned earlier?
30 серия: Эпизод 30
On their way to Olivine City, our heroes run into their old friend and shutterbug, Todd! As Todd and our friends catch up, a frozen Sunkern falls from the sky. The gang take it to a nearby lodge and, with the help of the old woman who runs it, thaw poor Sunkern out. The old woman explains she and her husband go to a valley with hundreds of Sunflora (the evolution of Sunkern) every year on their anniversary and have their picture taken. Tragically, this being their 50th wedding anniversary, they won't be able to continue the tradition because all of the Sunflora have disappeared. Where have all the Sunflora gone?
31 серия: Эпизод 31
As Todd and our heroes take a lunch break on a rocky mountain top, a Swinub rushes at them from a nearby crevasse. Misty is startled and drops her lunch. As the Swinub quickly swipes it, two more appear followed by a pint-sized girl named Peggy. She explains her father uses the Swinub to sniff out hot springs for hotels wanting to build resorts. Unfortunately, the Swinub's sniffers haven't been up-to-snuff and they haven't honed in on a hot spring in months. When Team Rocket try to steal the Swinub, the ensuing battle is just what they need to warm up to the search for hot springs!
32 серия: Эпизод 32
On their quest to capture Articuno on film, Todd and our heroes run into a frozen Jigglypuff! Ash uses his Cyndaquil to defrost the melodious Pokémon. When Todd asks Jigglypuff if it has seen Articuno, Jigglypuff nods towards Snow Top Mountain. Undeterred by the incredible height and icy conditions, the gang heads up the mountain where they run into a Pokécenter. Both Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy explain the legend of Articuno; Centuries ago, a group of travelers were lost on the mountain. Certain they would perish, they almost gave up hope but an Articuno appeared and guided the group to safety. As a tribute, they created a statue of Articuno that still stands today. Some say that anyone traversing Snow Top Mountain is protected by Articuno. After hearing the story, Todd is convinced there are Articuno on the mountain and continues his vertical journey. With Ash and Co. in tow, a blizzard kicks up and temporarily blinds the group. Brock and Misty want to stay put and let the blizzard pass, but Todd and Ash are determined to continue. Little do they know, directly ahead of them is a cliff edge and a deadly drop. Will Articuno come to their rescue? Is this Legendary Pokémon really the guardian of the mountain, or is it merely a legend?
33 серия: Эпизод 33
On their way to Olivine City, our heroes pass through a dangerous looking canyon full of unstable boulders. When the rocks begin to give way in an avalanche-like fury, a few fiery Pokémon rush to the rescue. Once out of harm's way, Ash, Misty and Brock find they've been rescued by Ramona, her brother Kegan and their three Arcanine. Ramona explains she and her brother were passing through the canyon on their way to deliver a bag of Fire Stones to a town holding a Fire-type Pokémon contest. Intrigued by the agile Pokémon, Ash is interested in learning how to ride the Arcanine. Before he gets far, Team Rocket shows up and steals the bag of Fire Stones. Ramona, Kegan and the gang must split up with the Arcanine to find Team Rocket and reclaim the rocks. Ash and Kegan team up, but after falling into one of the nasty trio's traps, Kegan is unable to guide Arcanine. Ash must rapidly learn how to ride if they are to recover the Fire Stones and save the Pokémon competition.
34 серия: Эпизод 34
On the outskirts of a small town, our heroes run into a young boy named Bucky. He tells our friends of his woes in trying to capture a Dunsparce. It seems the Dunsparce are indeed sparse in this area, at least they are now. When Bucky was out of town visiting his grandpa, a swarm of them came through and every kid in town caught one. Although Bucky still tries to participate in the Dunsparce games by using his Caterpie, Caterpie just can't compete. While Ash and Co. make good on their promise to help Bucky find one of these snake-like Pokémon, Team Rocket pulls a scheme in town to rid the children of their Dunsparce. Will Team Rocket get away with the Poké-napping this time or will our heroes, joined by their new friend, Bucky, be able to triumph over Team Rocket and spare the Dunsparce?
35 серия: Эпизод 35
Knowing our heroes are still en-route to Olivine, Team Rocket lies in wait. Dressed as scientists, they explain they've just repaired the amazing Poké Pod. To test it out, Pikachu is placed in the pod and locked in tight. When Team Rocket reveals their true identity and runs, Ash and Co. are in hot pursuit. When our heroes catch up to Team Rocket, there isn't a Poké Pod or Pikachu in site! Realizing Wobbuffet was hiding for the handoff, Ash chases after it. In Wobbuffet's rash retreat, it trips dropping the Pikachu containing Poké Pod and falls into the rapids of a nearby river. Since the only way to release Pikachu from the Poké Pod is to possess the key around Wobbuffet's neck, it's an all-out race to reach Team Rocket's blue bad-boy first. This proves problematic as Wobbuffet plummets over waterfalls, wanders through forests, gets taken for a ride on the roof of a runaway truck, blows for miles in a hot-air balloon and falls helpless to the helm of a speedboat! Who will reach Wobbuffet and the key first?
36 серия: Эпизод 36
The morning sun shines brightly upon our heroes and their Pokémon after spending the night next to a sparkling stream. Ash and his Pokémon wash up for breakfast and notice Brock kneeling over a pot of porridge on the campfire. After asking what's on this morning's menu and getting no response, Ash places a hand on Brock's shoulder. Brock's only response is to fall to the ground! Misty discovers that Brock has a fever and tries to convince him to spend the day resting in bed. Brock finally agrees and tells them there are directions on how to perform his chores in his notebook. As Ash and Misty begin the day's chores they easily become overwhelmed. They must cook, do the dishes, feed the Pokémon, haul water, gather and split wood and even polish Brock's rock Pokémon. Certain disaster seems eminent when Ash decides to speed up the polishing process with his Totodile's Water Gun! Will Ash and Misty be able to perform all of Brock's chores, take care of the Pokémon and fend off Team Rocket's nighttime attack all on their own?
37 серия: Эпизод 37
As Ash and company pass through an intriguing little village, they notice a Feraligatr in the midst of a battle. Drawing closer, they see the Feraligatr defeat one opponent after another, but it never seems to tire! When the gang meets the Feraligatr's trainer, they find out that Pokémon battles in this town are of a different breed. Here they practice the art of Pokémon Sumo. Oversized Pokémon are taught to wrestle and are forbidden from using special attacks in Sumo matches. As luck would have it, the Sumo conference is being held the following day. True to his nature, Ash decides to enter the conference, certain he can win. He is surprised, however, to find out he must use a Pokémon that weighs at least 80 kilograms. For Ash, that means only one Pokémon... Snorlax! Although Snorlax makes the weigh-in, it doesn't seem to be interested in moving towards the ring, let alone battling. Watch the surprising turn of events as Ash cleverly uses Snorlax's guts to his advantage.
38 серия: Эпизод 38
On the long trek to Olivine City, our heroes notice Pikachu looks a bit worn out. Brock suggests it's the trudging along this trail that has taken a toll. Just then, an old man appears from beside the path and explains the soil in this region contains minerals that absorb electricity. He walks up to Pikachu, kneels down and starts speaking to Pikachu in Pokémon tongue! Upon Pikachu's response, he rises and tells Ash that Pikachu is exhausted and cannot walk much further. Introducing himself as Simon, he suggests the crew follow him to his rest-stop. Upon their arrival, Ash hooks up Pikachu to a nearby bicycle with the electrodes attached to it. The more Ash pedals, the more electricity is pumped back into Pikachu's cheeks. Simon explains to Misty and Brock he won't charge for the recharge and he'll wave his translation fee. Surprised he charges at all for his rest-stop remedies, Misty and Brock are cut short of saying anything by the arrival of Officer Jenny. There to arrest Simon, she explains several local trainers have been swindled out of money recently by a person claiming to be a Pokémon interpreter. Can Simon really talk to the Pokémon, or is he the scam artist Officer Jenny has been looking for?
39 серия: Эпизод 39
As our heroes and their Pokémon enjoy another fine meal prepared by Brock, Golbat begins to act strangely and flies away. Brock, Ash and Misty chase after the Flying-type and end up at an archaeological dig. When they meet the intelligent and beautiful archeologist, Tierra she explains her ultra-sonic equipment had just been destroyed and perhaps its errant waves attracted Golbat. She also tells our heroes of an ancient golden mask and scepter, once belonging to a queen who had the power to control all Pokémon. She is now looking for a buried temple said to contain these two priceless artifacts and asks Brock if his Golbat will use it's Sonic attack to help her locate the exact placement of the temple. Overhearing our heroes, Team Rocket employs their latest mechanical menace, the Dig-a-Tron to beat the gang to the temple. When Jessie dons the mask and scepter she has the power to control all Pokémon, even Pikachu! What will become of the Pokémon under Jesse's rule?
40 серия: Эпизод 40
As our heroes enter the historic city of Whitestone, they notice it appears to be made of marble! Brock's guide book explains this phenomena. Generation after generation in Whitestone has painted all of the buildings white. After so many years, the layers have given the impression the city is made of marble. Just as the gang enters the city, they notice a band of Smeargle running amok, painting every bare wall in site with their tails. Dexter quickly explains these Pokémon express themselves by painting and the color in their tail depends upon the Pokémon's mood. Just then, the townsfolk appear in an angry mob, demanding the Smeargle stop this graffiti. Before the scene gets out of control, a famous artist appears to claim the Smeargle. All are astonished to find out this world famous abstract artist uses Smeargle to create his masterpieces. He begs the townspeople to allow the Smeargle to express themselves. Apparently, the Smeargle have been through a creative dry-spell and he hopes they will find a way to create beautiful artwork once again. Will the artist, Smeargle and townspeople find a way to live in harmony?
41 серия: Эпизод 41
At the end of a long day, our heroes search for a Pokémon Center in a small town near Olivine City. Unable to locate one they ask a local lady for directions. She explains the nearest Pokémon Center is ten miles away! Too exhausted to extend today's journey, the gang decides to set up camp in a local park. As he gets water from a nearby fountain, Brock notices a Nidorina approaching to take a drink. Running after Nidorina is her trainer, who trips and almost falls into the fountain. She is narrowly saved by Brock and immediately falls head over heals in love with him. Introducing herself as Temaku, she insists Brock and his friends stay with her at her father's house. How will Brock handle a large does of his own medicine from the smitten Temaku?
42 серия: Эпизод 42
Nearing Olivine City, our heroes notice a field full of windmills. Brock explains the windmills are used to generate electricity. Deciding the breezy windmill field is a nice place to take a break and get some fresh air, our heroes release their Pokémon from their Poké Balls and begin to set up a picnic. When Ash and Chikorita go looking for firewood, they stumble upon a concrete building with the front door wide open. Curious, the duo enter and are promptly locked in when a strong gust of wind shuts the heavy electric door. Hearing Ash's cries for help, Pikachu races towards the building, followed by Brock and Misty. While Brock contacts the electric company for help, Ash decides to descend the floors of the compound and locates the building's power source. He and Chikorita must battle their way through the scores of security systems in place... Electric-type Pokémon!
43 серия: Эпизод 43
Taking a rest from their exhausting expedition, our heroes settle down in a small field near a stream to enjoy a mid-day meal. Ash releases his Pokémon from their Poké Balls so they too can enjoy a well deserved break. Overly excited to see Ash, Bayleef runs towards him at full-tilt. Inadvertently, Bayleef uses Tackle Attack and knocks Ash for a loop. When Bayleef's uncontrollable affection becomes too much for Ash, he looses his temper and says something spiteful. Ash tells Bayleef to go away and stay away! When Ash can't find Bayleef after lunch, the gang goes on a search and rescue mission. With Pikachu following Bayleef's scent, the crew winds up at an old woman's house. She explains how she found Bayleef, hurt and weak near the river's bank. When Ash tries to re-claim his Pokémon, Bayleef simply ignores him. It is clear Bayleef would rather stay with the kind old woman and her Pokémon than continue the journey with Ash. Will Ash be able to win back Bayleef's trust and affection?
44 серия: Эпизод 44
When our heroes stumble upon a one-day street performance, they get to see all types of Pokémon with unique skills. Anxious to know the future, Misty volunteers to have her fortune read by Natu. A young boy named McKenzie and his Pokémon, Natu begin the reading but make several mistakes. Embarrassed, McKenzie runs away with Natu before Misty's future is revealed. The gang follows McKenzie and suggests he wear a mask during his performances to help boost his confidence. Misty explains if he wears the mask no one will know who he is. McKenzie's father likes the idea too, believing the mask will lend an exciting element to the performance. When McKenzie returns to the stage, will he and Natu be able to remember the routine and use Natu's Future Sight to tell patron's fortunes?
45 серия: Эпизод 45
When our heroes happen upon an unusual formation in the middle of a grassy field, Brock believes it is a crop circle... placed there by aliens! Just then, something comes hurtling out of the sky towards them. A far away voice calls down an apology for almost hitting Ash with the object. Skyler, a boy training for a hot air balloon race, introduces himself to the gang and explains he was practicing for the upcoming event. Getting a marker as close to the center of the large, circular target by throwing it from the hot air balloon is one aspect of the competition. Intrigued by the hot-air balloon racing circuit, Ash quickly makes up his mind to enter as well. When Brock reminds him they don't have a chance of winning without a hot air balloon, Skyler's father says he has something to help them out. Pulling a balloon out of his shop, he begins to fill it up and to our heroes surprise, it's a Pikachu shaped hot air balloon! When Team Rocket decides to enter the race as well, Jessie and James sabotage several of the balloons the night before the big event. With only Team Rocket, Ash and Skyler in the running, who will end up winning the grand prize?
46 серия: Эпизод 46
Strolling through downtown, our heroes notice a mob of girls chasing someone down. Suddenly, a man in a black cape and hat runs up to Ash and gives him a package to hold. He tells Ash to stay put because he'll be back for the package shortly. As the mob approaches, the mysterious man runs away with the girls in hot pursuit. Our heroes stand stunned by this interesting turn of events. As they do, the package in Ash's arms wiggles open to reveal a Smoochum! When our friends decide to try and track down Smoochum's trainer, they pass by a theater showing the opening to a brand new Brad Van Darn movie! Realizing this is the same person who gave Ash the Poké package, the gang decides to return Smoochum to Brad during his in-person appearance at a nearby theater. Believing Brad's Smoochum doesn't fit the macho image of the movie star, Brad's manager tells Ash to keep the Pokémon because Brad has no interest in Smoochum anymore. What will become of Smoochum now?
47 серия: Эпизод 47
Our heroes are camped out by a lake where Ash wakes up one morning and sees a Rhydon emerging from the water. A swimming Rock-type Pokémon seems impossible, but one of the local Rhydon has indeed learned to use Surf—and a girl named Pietra is out to catch it! She's trying to complete a tunnel to a nearby town, but Rock-type Pokémon flee the excavation site whenever water drips from the tunnel's ceiling. If she had that swimming Rhydon, though, it would keep digging the tunnel no matter what!
Ash and his friends offer to help, of course. After chasing a wrong lead or two, they catch up with Rhydon in the middle of the lake. Pietra asks Rhydon to battle her, but Rhydon couldn't care less; it learned to swim so it could reach an island full of apple trees, and right now those seem much more interesting. Just as they catch up with Rhydon again, Team Rocket descends from the skies, grabs Rhydon, and flies away. They don't get far before Ash and his friends stop their escape, free Rhydon, and send them packing.
Rhydon just wants to leave, but Pietra clings to it and demands a battle. She refuses to let go even when Rhydon dives below the water, so it takes her to shore before walking away. Pietra pleads for Rhydon's help one last time and Rhydon finally agrees to battle, though it takes some hard work on Marill's part to weaken it so Pietra can make a capture. With Rhydon's help, the excavation is soon complete. Ash and his friends exit the newly-completed tunnel and continue on towards Olivine City!
48 серия: Эпизод 48
Ash and his friends stop at an air station to get a closer look at the Leviathan 2, a luxury dirigible taking passengers on a flight around the world. The ship has landed to refuel and the crew needs medical assistance for some passengers' Pokémon, so Brock volunteers to help. The passengers are two wealthy young ladies, Madison and Alexa, whose two Kecleon are suffering from a little airsickness. Brock's remedies make sure the Kecleon, called Greenie and Reddie, are back to normal in no time flat.
Greenie and Reddie are taken back to their stateroom, which Team Rocket then tries to rob of valuables. Greenie snatches a jewelry box back from Team Rocket and the Kecleon flee the room. As reports come in that the Kecleon are running around the ship, our heroes pitch in to help find them—Team Rocket is on the trail too, hoping to get their hands on that jewelry box. The chase leads everyone out of the dirigible, into the air station terminal, and then right back out again.
As Greenie and Reddie exit the terminal, they're surrounded by our heroes and the dirigible's crew. Team Rocket catches up to everyone and tries to grab them. Now it's clear that Greenie and Reddie weren't being mischievous, they were trying to keep the jewelry away from Team Rocket! Their owners join Ash in battling Team Rocket and soon Team Rocket goes blasting off, the jewelry box is recovered, and the dirigible can finish refueling and leave.
49 серия: Эпизод 49
The Nurse Joy at Lake Lucid's Pokémon Center is famous among Water-type Pokémon Trainers, so Misty is thrilled when our heroes' travels take them to the lake. Lake Lucid's Nurse Joy is the third generation of Nurse Joys who have turned Lake Lucid from a toxic pool to a crystal-clear lake where Water-type Pokémon come to rest and recuperate, and she's one of Misty's long-time heroes.
Everything goes swimmingly until Misty asks Nurse Joy to examine her Water-type Pokémon. This Nurse Joy actually hates Water-type Pokémon, and she's hated them ever since some Remoraid frightened her when she was a child! Even though Nurse Joy says she still understands Water-type Pokémon and doesn't let personal feelings impair her ability to do her job, Misty refuses to believe a word of it. She's angry and distraught that her idol doesn't even want to touch Water-type Pokémon without putting on a special protective suit.
Misty's tour of the Pokémon Center is interrupted by Team Rocket, who burst in with a beat-up Tentacruel submarine and try to steal the Center's Pokémon. They're soon defeated, but Nurse Joy's protective suit is lost and a Gyarados becomes agitated when its tank is destroyed. As the only one with the training and experience to handle the situation, Nurse Joy steps up and calms Gyarados down, suit or no suit—she may hate Water-type Pokémon, but her duty takes precedence over fear. Even though Nurse Joy isn't magically cured of her hatred for Water Pokémon, Misty realizes she may have judged too harshly and leaves with a newfound respect for Nurse Joy's dedication.
50 серия: Эпизод 50
The way to Olivine City and Ash's next Gym challenge lies across a desert of sand and rock. Just as Ash and his friends start to cross it, Team Rocket ambushes them and scoops up Pikachu. Cyndaquil is injured in the battle with Team Rocket, which ends when it uses Flamethrower on Weezing's Smokescreen and triggers an explosion that frees Pikachu but knocks Cyndaquil into the depths of the desert. However, local tales say that sick or injured Pokémon that enter the desert will return to their Trainers in great shape, almost as if the desert contains a hidden oasis.
Cyndaquil tries to find its way back, but when it collapses with weariness, other Pokémon come carry it away. After Team Rocket crash lands in the desert, Meowth is spirited away by other Pokémon too! Both injured Pokémon are whisked off to an oasis inside a hollowed-out mountain, where a Miltank heals them both. Team Rocket follows Meowth to the mountain, but they're turned away by a group of Exeggutor guards. Ash and his friends also find their way to the mountain, but use Brock's Onix to burrow past the guards.
Once they get inside, the Pokémon in the oasis spring to its defense. As Meowth explains, this is no place for people—these Pokémon want to be left alone! Team Rocket drops in with their balloon and order Meowth to help steal the Pokémon, but Meowth refuses to battle. Team Rocket's other Pokémon refuse to attack, too! Undeterred, Team Rocket grabs Miltank and overpowers Meowth, but they're soundly beaten by Cyndaquil. Now that Miltank and the other oasis Pokémon realize Ash means no harm, he can reunite with Cyndaquil and peacefully continue on his way.
51 серия: Эпизод 51
Our heroes reach Olivine City and make a beeline for the Gym, where Gym Leader Jasmine accepts Ash's challenge. Jasmine sends out a gleaming Onix that easily defeats Ash's Totodile, even though Onix should be vulnerable to Totodile's Water-type attacks. But then the real Jasmine enters the room—the "Jasmine" that Ash battled is really Janina, Jasmine's apprentice! And as Janina later reveals to Jasmine, she coated her Onix in waterproof wax, a misguided cheat that earns Janina a time-out from the Gym.
Jasmine herself is too worried about "Sparkle" to deal with a Gym challenge. This leaves Ash to wander the city, wondering what to do next. He runs into Janina, who apologizes to him and says that Jasmine is at the Shining Lighthouse on the wharf; since Ash wants to ask Jasmine when she'll be ready for a battle, he heads there right away. Inside the lighthouse are Jasmine, her grandpa Myron, and Jasmine's Ampharos, Sparkle, who provides the light for the lighthouse. Sparkle isn't feeling well and Janina's still on a time-out, so it's up to Ash and the gang to pick up Sparkle's medicine from Cianwood City.
Before they can leave, Team Rocket attacks the lighthouse, catching Sparkle and Brock in a cage. Janina sees the commotion and comes to the rescue; without the wax coating, Onix can't pursue Team Rocket across the water, but it can certainly snag the cage and halt Team Rocket's getaway. Janina climbs up Onix to free Brock and Ampharos, then orders Onix to send Team Rocket for a loop. Janina is now back in Jasmine's good graces, and she gladly accompanies our heroes to Cianwood City!
52 серия: Эпизод 52
Ash and his friends are in Cianwood City with Janina, an apprentice at the Olivine Gym. Janina picks up medicine for Olivine Gym Leader Jasmine's ailing Ampharos and returns to Olivine while Ash plans to challenge the Cianwood Gym. Before he does, though, he goes to investigate a man and a Machoke who are sparring on the beach. The man happily orders everyone to the Cianwood Gym—he's none other than Chuck, the Cianwood Gym Leader!
Ash's challenge is accepted and a 2-on-2 Gym battle begins. Chuck starts with a Poliwrath; Pikachu should have the advantage as an Electric-type, but it's defeated by Poliwrath's physical strength and Double-Slap attack. Ash counters with Bayleef, using its type advantage to beat Poliwrath, so Chuck sends in his Machoke. In the meantime, Team Rocket sneaks into the Gym and gobbles up an unattended meal. They're spotted by Chuck's wife, who mistakes them for students and assigns them to chores.
Back at the battle, Bayleef doesn't appear to be making headway. It uses Vine Whip to grab Machoke's arms, starting a tug-of-war, and Ash wants Bayleef to tough it out for a face-to-face battle with Machoke. Machoke reels Bayleef in, but Bayleef turns it around and knocks out Machoke, winning Ash the Storm Badge! Since Jasmine still isn't ready to battle yet, Ash takes up Chuck's suggestion of a detour through the Whirl Islands. Chuck's wife gives them a free ferry pass and our heroes are on their way!
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