Хост-клуб Оранской школы

Хост-клуб Оранской школы, 1-й сезон

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Серии 1-го сезона

1 серия: Эпизод 1Kyou kara kimi wa hosuto da
Дата выхода:5 апреля 2006
Haruhi Fujioka, scholarship student, is immediately mistaken for a boy when she arrives at elite private school Ouran Academy. Searching for a quiet place to study, she stumbles across the Host Club, and, in an attempt to escape, accidentally breaks a ¥8 million vase. To pay back the debt, Haruhi becomes a member—needing to be "requested" by at least one hundred customers before she can leave. However, one by one the Host Club members discover her true gender; all except Tamaki, who accidentally sees her in her underwear before he gets the hint.
2 серия: Эпизод 2Kokosei host no oshigoto
Дата выхода:11 апреля 2006
The Host Club finds out that one of their regular customers, one of the few that skips from host to host regularly, is having trouble with her fiancé. The group then cooks up a plan to help, involving a dance, a kiss, and a big spotlight. Unfortunately, in the process, Haruhi has her first kiss; but not with the fiancé, but with the fiancée.
3 серия: Эпизод 3Shintai kensa ni go-youjin
Дата выхода:18 апреля 2006
The time has come for the school's physical examinations, so the club must find a way to protect Haruhi's Big Secret. Their attempts fail miserably until Kyoya steps in, with a doctor who promises not to reveal her secret. Meanwhile, someone accused of attempting to "make a pass" on one of the female students, Dr Yabu (literally, Quack Doctor) is actually searching for his daughter after she and her mother left him due to financial problems. Kyoya points out that, if the man's family is really that poor, the girl would be attending Ouran Public High, rather than the prestigious and very expensive Ouran Academy. Tamaki gives him directions, explaining that, even though he might get hurt later, it's up to him to find the truth.
4 серия: Эпизод 4Joshi manager shurai
Дата выхода:25 апреля 2006
Renge, an intense young woman obsessed with dating sims, declares herself the Host Club’s new manager! Her first order of business: give each of the Hosts a "dark side."
5 серия: Эпизод 5Futago kenka suru
Дата выхода:2 мая 2006
The twins beg to be allowed to visit Haruhi's home, but she refuses. Haruhi comments about the differences between Hikaru and Kaoru, which triggers a fight between the inseparable siblings, even making them dye their hair different colors, blue and pink, in order to be told apart. When Haruhi finally stands up to their fighting, saying "if they've never fought before, they might need help stopping," Kaoru is about to give Hikaru a cursed doll with his name written on the back - but when Haruhi steps in, he gives it to her instead. However, when she turns it over, the back says "Fail," - alerting the host club it was all a trick to be allowed to visit Haruhi's house.
6 серия: Эпизод 6Shogakusei host wa yancha-kei
Дата выхода:9 мая 2006
An elementary school brat, Shiro Takaoji, seeks help from the Host Club's King to win the heart of women, but what he doesn't say makes all the difference in how much help he gets. He attempts to run away, calling Tamaki a "fake king", and Tamaki and the others infiltrate the elementary school, discovering that Shiro has a crush on a girl who would soon be moving away. Tamaki explains to him he didn't wish to please women, but only to please one woman - the girl he has a crush on. He had joined the Classical Music Club to make her happy and play the piano with her. Shiro learns his part of the piano duet he was supposed to have played with her, and the host club ends up allowing him and the girl to have a small concert in the host club lounge. The episode ends with Shiro entertaining at the host club, warning the clients not to tell his girlfriend; she'll get jealous if she hears he's hanging out with such beautiful women.
7 серия: Эпизод 7Janguru puuru SOS
Дата выхода:16 мая 2006
The Host Club drags Haruhi to an artificial tropical beach, but an accident separates Honey from the rest of the gang. Mori and Haruhi separate from the rest of the group to look for him, Mori eventually carrying her due to her slowness and clumsiness. Haruhi wonders aloud about Mori's and Honey's relationship, and then twins explain that they are in fact cousins by marriage. Meanwhile, Kyouya's guards, called in to look for Honey, end up mistaking Haruhi as the "small boy" Kyouya had described, and, under his orders, attempt to arrest any "suspicious people", as they believe that Mori looks suitably suspicious. Honey swings in on a vine, amazing Haruhi with his martial arts ability. The gang returns, ending the episode with Haruhi noting, much to the surprise of the twins and Tamaki, that she would enjoy visiting a real beach.
8 серия: Эпизод 8Taiyo to umi to host bu
Дата выхода:23 мая 2006
The Host Club visits the "real beach" in Okinawa upon Haruhi's request, but, Kyoya having invited customers, Haruhi is still unable to wear a swimsuit - much to the others disappointment. The twins devise a game to see who can find out what Haruhi is afraid of first, drawing Tamaki in with the explanation that only close friends show each other their weaknesses. Kyoya hypes up the competition by offering up photos of Haruhi in middle school. One accident occurred that caused a fight between the Host Club members. Kyouya, however, made Haruhi realize what her mistakes were and she eventually apologized for her wrongdoings. Tamaki wins secretly in the end, during a thunderstorm. However, the rest of the host club walks in at the most inopportune moment, as he covers her ears and places a blindfold on her to "block the thunder." The group ends up leaving with Tamaki chasing after them, trying in vain to convince them that he's not a pervert.
9 серия: Эпизод 9Roberia jogakuin no chosen
Дата выхода:30 мая 2006
St. Lobelia Girl's Academy's Benio Amakusa, head of the Zuka Club, chances upon Haruhi and, instantly recognizing that she is a girl, tries to convince her to join her school and her club. Convinced that Haruhi will leave them, the boys dress up as girls to show Haruhi that she "can have big brothers AND big sisters - all in one!" Haruhi reveals that she came to Ouran for a reason, and says that she was never planning to leave for Lobelia in the first place.
10 серия: Эпизод 10Fujioka ke no nichijou
Дата выхода:6 июня 2006
Interested in the unknown ways of a "commoner's lifestyle", the Host Club makes an unannounced appearance at Haruhi's house to meet her family and see how she lives. Tamaki realizes how independent Haruhi is and some of the reasons why.
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