Соседки Рейчел и Лили живут в охваченном эпидемией коронавируса Нью-Йорке. В условиях самоизоляции они пытаются сохранить работу и не сойти с ума, когда начинается вторая волна — теперь вирус превращает людей в зомби.
While conducting telehealth appointments from her New York City brownstone, Rachel tends to one of her patients with an strange injury. Upstairs, Lily finds herself in a risky position with one of her clients.
2 серия: Эпизод 2Episode 2
Lily figures out what to do with her dangerous client. Rachel attempts to gather evidence from her various patients to present to her husband, who works at the CDC.
3 серия: Эпизод 3Episode 3
Rachel attempts to coax confidential CDC information from Zach. Lily tries to continue pursuing her career dreams despite the chaos.
4 серия: Эпизод 4Episode 4
Rachel continues to seek information regarding the virus, while also managing an alarming situation in Lily's life. Meanwhile, Zach is under scrutiny at the CDC.
5 серия: Эпизод 5Episode 5
Rachel enlists Lily's help with an important task in order to further her mother's medical research into a cure. Zach learns surprising information from his CDC colleague and former lover.
6 серия: Эпизод 6Episode 6
Racing against time, Rachel and Lily are forced to make a decision that could alter their lives in order to save humanity.
Сезоны сериала
1 сезон
6 серий, 2021
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